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9 mth old Great Dane

19 10:08:07

Hi there.  I have a great dane (my first, so still
learning).  She is about 100lbs currently and usually, she
is full of energy.  Today, all she wants to do is sleep.  
It's difficult to even get her to go for a short walk, and
usually she has 2 long trail walks and is still full of
beans.  I know she is not even close to being full grown
yet, so could this mean she is simply entering into another
growth spurt?  It's just strange because yesterday she was
her normal bouncy self and this morning she's become the
laziest dog I've ever seen.  Is 9 mths a common growth
spurt age?  Thanks for any advise you might have.


Hi Kevin,

There are many causes of lameness. It's hard to say why your puppy suddenly seems not her usual bouncy self. One thing that comes to mind is "Panosteitis", which is an inflammation on the surface of the long bones. This is also termed "long bone" or "growing pains." This may occur in more than one bone at a time and may cause lameness in one bone or leg and then another. It is self-limiting but may recur until rapid growth is over.

Your dog may have hurt herself (slightly) yesterday, and is feeling a little sore today. Do any of her joints look swollen? Is she eating okay? Ask your vet the correct dose of buffered aspirin, or chewable baby aspirin for your puppy. That might all that's required.

Danes grow at different rates, so I can't say if she's currently having a growth spurt.

If her "out of sorts" behavior continues, you should have her examined by your vet.

Best of luck,