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New Born Puppy

19 14:03:11

I have a 3 week old Douge De Bordeaux, unfortunately her mother was put done so I am now hand feeding her.

I have noticed her stools are very black, not sure if this is normal or not?? Also she has been screaming quite alot and her teeth are coming through. Could this be why she is upset, or would she just be lonely??


HI Melissa!

Bless you for taking care of that little puppy! Yes, the black stools are normal.  The puppy may be teething, that's true, but constant screaming may mean she is not getting enough to eat.  You may need to increase the formula. Is she warm?  Puppies snuggle up to their mothers and stay quite warm.  Try putting a hot water bottle in her bed, but make SURE it is covered so it won't burn her. Good luck and God bless you!
