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wolf hybrid training

19 10:42:26

I have three wolf hybrids...a 3 year old female, 2 year old male, and 1 year old male.  All are spayed and neutered.  But, none, it seems, are housebroken.  I say none, because sometimes it is difficult to know who has done what.  We have finally found a kennel that they dogs cannot destroy or escape from, for now, anyway.  Yes, they chewed every door and wooden surface in the house.  We keep them indoors because we do not have the money to erect the type of fencing needed and despite obedience training, they will each/all escape if taken outside without being on a leash.  We have put kickplates on every door bottom to hide the damage and stop additional damage, but the lack of housebreaking is driving me insane.  They will not urinate or defecate in their kennel, but the minute they are in my room, even if they go outside and do their business first, they urinate or defecate...just out of my sight, usually.  The few times I caught them in the act I told them "no" and took them outside but nothing seems to stick.  We have had all of them since they were babies...three years is a long time to take to potty train.  HELP! *I don't need a lecture about the follies of wolf hybrid ownership--I know them all now and besides, I have three and need to figure out how to make it work.

Hi Lacey,

No lectures on my part. But, the hybrid part is what is making this marking (not housetraining) problem impossible. They are who they are. And the way that they live is incompatible with that. Wolf hybrids in essence living like apartment dogs! And in multiples...

Have you seen this: That, coupled with a top and bottom western square kennel Not sure on that url, it's been awhile since I have needed anything hybrid proof-may work for you.

You may want to consider consulting with Nicole Wilde in Ca. She is very experienced in hybrids and may have just what you need to resolve your problem. But I suspect that it is an unrealistic situation for them (and you!). Try contacting her through

Focus on creating a safe outdoor environment for them, you and they will be happier.