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sad doggie

19 14:04:49

I just got my miniature schnauzer Paco groomed last Thursday and ever since he came home he has not been himself..  He acts really clingy and sad.  He would always brings us his toy and wants to play but he just acts really attatched to us and sleeps right on us.  Even when we are on the lap top he puts his head right on that.  I just wonder what could have been the cause of this? Could something have happened at the groomers? It is now Monday so it has been a few days...  Please help..Thank you..


Hi Heidi;
Sounds like the groomer did something to him.
Not all groomers are nice to the dogs if there is not someone watching them.
Either the groomer did something to scare and/or hurt him, ot the noise of the clippers traumatized him.
The clippers are not that loud by themselves. My bet would be that if he moved the groomer hit him or domething like that. Maybe he was hit and/or handled roughly a lot while he was there.
Only use a groomer when you can stay there and watch.
Better still, get the clippers and learn to do it yourself. That would make a better bond with your dog.
