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blister on elbow

19 10:42:26

My 10 1/2 year old lab has what looks like a large blister on the elbow.  It is about 1/2 inch in diameter.  This part of her elbow is calloused already so the bister is on the calloused part without any hair.  What do you think it is and what should I do?

Hi Dawn,

Not being a doctor, I can only offer you guesses.

Your dog may have a "hygroma", which is a fluid-filled, sac-like cavity at an area of friction.
A hygroma is a soft, movable and usually painless. If not treated, severe inflammation may develop, and ulceration, infection. Larger dogs can develop this from banging their elbows on hard surfaces when the lie down on the floor. This causes swelling and, eventually hygroma.

The first step in treatment is to prevent further trauma. This can be accomplished by providing a soft padded bed. The area involved can be bandaged using donut-shaped padding over the elbow, placing the 'hole' of the donut over the hygroma. This will protect the hygroma from further contact with anything hard. Simply bandaging the area is often not effective since there would still be pressure on the hygroma if the dog lies on that side.

Periodically aspirating (removing the fluid via needle and syringe) the hygroma is usually not effective and may introduce infection. Likewise, surgery is seldom performed unless the hygroma is infected.

Like I've said, I'm not a doctor and you shouldn't take my word for this. You should have your dog examined by your veterinarian for your peace of mind, and your dog's wellbeing.

Best of luck,
