Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 8yr.old husky/akita

8yr.old husky/akita

19 11:35:56

losing patches of fur and exposing red irritated and itchey skin.started only a few days ago and has only one small patch of missing fur and one medium size on side.

Hi Gloria,

There are actually many conditions who's symptoms include itching inflamed skin and hair loss. Your dog could be suffering with conditions such as Demodectic mange,  Cushing's Syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism), a contact allergy, fleas, ringworm, or a fungal infection.

These are just a sampling of the many conditions that your dog could have. Treatments vary, depending on the diagnosis. So, your first step needs to be a vet visit, to find out exactly what it is you're dealing with. Getting your dog treated by your vet now, while the condition is relatively contained is very important. Left untreated, this kind of condition can spread, making your dog miserable in the process. The longer it goes on or progresses, the harder it will be to treat.

There's also the possibility your dog has developed a secondary skin infections, which would need treatment.

Best of luck,