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birth canal is too small

19 11:01:13

i have a dog who went into heat in january she was left behind by neighbors who moved, i have no money and no transportation. this is the dogs first heat and she is trying to birth puppies and she cant she has been in labor for 10 hours with no progress. what can i do to help her deliver the puppies

Dear Megan,

Thank you for writing to me.  My heart goes out to this sweet innocent dog who is herself a puppy and has had a cruel beginning, first being abandoned, next becoming pregnant and now facing difficulty in labor that may lead to an excruiating death.

You MUST find transportation and worry about the money later.  There are always ways to pay out a medical bill but once your dog is gone, there is no way to get her back!  This is not to mention the level of unbearable pain and possibly internal hemoraging that could occur.

It is apparent that your dog is in trouble.  You need to find a neighbor, relative or friend and beg them to drive you to emergency with your dog.  Do not tell the vet you have no money.  Instead, either give a post dated check or use a visa card or borrow the money or after he saves your dog's life, make arrangements to pay out the bill.  

Any ethical vet will save a dog's life.

You may be able to get the local fire department to help you with transport to the emergency vet.  Call your vet, or any local vet and explain that this was an abandoned dog that you took in and it's trying to have puppies and you think it's going to die without intervention.

The last person who didn't listen to my emergency advice, told me that their dog died during the night.  I know that you don't want this to happen, so please find a way to save her life and get her out of unbearable pain.

Shelley Davis