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Listless 9 year old Maltese dog

19 9:39:36

Hello Patti,

All the veterinarians were 'Maxed Out", Patti, so I chose you to see if you could help.

My little dog was prescribed apotheo by my vet for his cough and I have included the explanation of the drug as follows:

Theophylline belongs to the class of medications called bronchodilators. It is used for the treatment of breathing conditions such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. It opens the airways, which helps to relieve symptoms associated with breathing problems such as cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

The vet also prescribed azithromycin, an antibiotic.  I have completely stopped given these drugs to my dog, as he is very listless.  He is eating his food, goes to the bathroom outside, but he has no energy, does not bark as he did before, such as, at another visiting dog, and all he wants to do is sleep.  His cough has also subsided.  I am just worried about his listlessness.

Can you suggest anything?  I do not want to go back to the vet at this time, as I do not want to give him any more drugs.

Thanks so much.

Marj Hopp


Hi Marj,

I'm sorry to hear your dog hasn't been responding to the treatment your vet prescribed.

Your vet needs to know this, a simple dose adjustment or change of medication may be needed. Anytime you have questions or concerns about a course of treatment, you need to contact the vet. Your vet wants to know (and needs to know) how any treatment is going.

Nobody on the Internet (even the veterinarians at AllExperts) can diagnose your dog. As far as not wanting to give your dog any more medication, would you deny treatment to your child? Your dog is not different. Sometimes medications are called for, not providing them is nothing more than neglect.

I urge you to contact your vet.

Best of luck,
