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American Bulldog (Pregnant)

19 9:18:20

Hi patti!
My american bulldog lucy is 63days pregnant today. She is nesting ALOT! whinnig and panting very heavily. She also shivers quite a bit and her normal temp. is 100.9 F it has dropped to 99.2F do u think she shouldhave her puppies anytime soon? Im waiting on her water to break but will i know when  it does? Cant she do it when she goes to the bathroom? Im hoping she will have them to night i cant wait!!!! This is her first liter.


Hi Ciera,

I'd say your dog is getting really close to giving birth, but she isn't quite there. Within 24 hours before the onset of labor, the rectal temperature should drop nearly 2 degrees. If her normal temperature is close to 101, expect it to come down to around 98 degrees.

When your dog's water breaks, it will be more like a big gush, than her just going to the bathroom. It may look like light colored coffee (sort of light brownish), straw colored, or possibly greenish (which is also normal).

Should your dog have a noticeable outpouring of fluid, and she pushes and strains continuously for over 30 minutes with no puppy is visible, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The same hold true if your dog has 30 minutes of straining and pushing, and her water doesn't break. Contact your vet! If your dog has produced at least one puppy and does not strain again within two hours, you should contact your veterinarian.

They'll be here soon!
Good luck!
