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Secreation from penis

19 13:35:39

I have a 4 1/2 month old active puppy that has been neutered. I have noticed that he has a thick yellowish discharge from the penis which he tends to clean frequently. He also has a problem with urine dripping after he has voided. He leaves a trail of drops from the yard to the house on the pavement. Is this normal for a male puppy? I would have taken him to the vet but the last time we went because I felt the puppy might have ear mites he told me that I he was normal and healthy and not to worry I would know when there was a real problem.

Some discharge is very normal - it's called smegma - as can be a little leaking.  If the discharge has a smell, then I would take him into the vet since then it is probably turned into a yeast infection and will need medication to clear it up.  Neutered male dogs tend to have this problem even less, but that is not always the case.
