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Re: Dog Collar

19 11:45:30

If You put a collar on your dog and he Just freezes up
and don't want to even move, What can you do.


Hi James;
He is afraid of it.
Put the collar on, a little looser than you will keep it, but tight enough so it won't just slide off when he puts his head down. When I adjust a collar to where it will stay, one finger must fit easily between the collar and the dog's neck, without choking the dog. Put the collar on with 2 fingers space.
Juast let him wear it until he is used to it, and pick him up with it on him, carry him around, play with him. Don't pay any attention to it being there.
Take him on your lap and talk to him, pet him etc, just like he isn't bothered by the collar.
DON'T put a leash on him yet.
when he is completely easy with the collar, it shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 days at the most. then attach a short leash, and just let him drag it around awhile before you put any pressure on picking it up and trying to walk him on it.
He may have had a collar put n him and was treated roughly with it before you got him. We see this quite often in rescue dogs.
Don't try to lead him an a leash before he is comfortable with it.
I put a leash on and let them drag it for a half hour or so, then take it off, and may do it a couple of times in a day. The next day, I will lengthen the time I leave it on and let him drag it.
Then I will sit on the floor in front of them, take the leash in my hand and talk to them saying, "Come here baby" etc, and gently tug on the leash as they are walking toward me. Then pet them, lay with them etc.
You want him to understand there is nothing bad being done to him while he is in the collar or leash.
If he is a very small dog, and the collar is wide or heavy, a lighter collar might move the proigress along.