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new animals/surroundings

19 11:45:29

I have just moved my sheltie and cat back into my family home which already
has a small pug and older cat. The dogs have had interactions with eachother
before and get along just fine, however my sheltie has just recently started
urinating very frequently outside as well as indoors, which has never been a
problem before (he is nine years old) the pug has followed this example, they
are both housterained and have never done this before, do you think that this
might be a reaction to the move as well as two new cats? Any suggestions on
how to combat the problem? please help asap.
thank you

Hello kate and thank you for your question.

I believe that your dogs are forming their new pack. Each one is making his "mark" on their surroundings and this can be problematic when it's done in the house. You really need to keep a close eye on them and stop them if they even LOOK funny at a spot (like they are thinking about lifting their leg). Give them something to do, as boredom will enhance marking behaviors. If you can not trust them alone, you need to crate them while your away. Clean all areas where they have marked with an enzymatic cleaner. This will rid that area of the "scent" and discourage future marking.

At least for the first few months, you really have to be on top of things to stop this behavior. After a while, they will settle in and learn their place, in which, the behavior should stop.

It's not an easy thing to stop an innate behavior, so you have to be on top of things and let your dogs know who is the boss in this house.

Good luck :)