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nursing dog

19 10:52:10

I have a pit bull thats a little over a year old and she just had her first litter of died today and i thought she smothered it,but i noticed her nipples and her entire breast is hard.Milk is coming out but the pups look hungry.I don't know if she is sick or if she maybe has an infection in her nipples.Should I just get warm water on them like you would a human that has this problem and feed the puppies goat milk till they get better or will she get better.she is eating and drinking.

She needs an antibiotic and the puppies need to continue nursing. Hot packs will help but won't clear up the problem, GEt her her to the vet for medication and start the hot packs asap., Make sure the puppies nurse after you hot pack and drain that breast, if they don't you will have to. They don't need to be on goats milk, they need mommy and with treatment this will clear up,. without it, it won't,
good luck Cindi