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19 9:33:36

I just read your answer to a question about an ear bite. My dog (a labrador)was bit on the ear by another dog today.  The edge of the ear was torn about 1 cm.  So it's not that deep, but I'm wondering if I took him to the vet if they would be able to do anything anyway. What are your thoughts???  Thank you so much.

Hi Rachel,

Thank you for writing to me about your Lab's ear injury.  I am not sure how long 1cm is but if it's close to an inch, then I would say a stitch or two would be recommended.  You want the injury to heal properly.  In addition, the vet will treat the injury for infection.  Dogs carry all sorts of bacteria in their saliva that could cause a bad infection in a deep wound.

My motto is "better safe than sorry."  Surely if a child had this kind of injury you would want it treated by a medical professional.  Do the same for your beloved dog.

If treated properly, the wound can heal perfectly and the hair will grow back properly, never indicating that there was a bite in the first place.

Time is of the essence.  It is only fresh flesh that heals well.  So please rush your dog in for an emergency visit.

Best of luck.

Shelley Davis