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puppy worries

19 11:51:26

I just bought a 12 week old Bassett Hound puppy. Shes sweet as a button but shes has a few problems. Shes tends to get the hiccups alot. She is also constently hungry. I also have a 5 year old Shih Tuz who eats very seldom and and now we can no longer leave his food in the floor because it will be eaten. The puppy is also pooping several times a day. Is this normal?

A 12 week old puppy should be eating at least 2 times per day. as long as she is active the hiccups should not be a problem, just part of growing up. You should use a feeding time method when you have two dogs, this means that you allow 10-15 minute for the dog to eat, then pick up the bowl until the next time you feed.

As for the puppy pooping several time per day, this is normal puppies do not have the bowel control that an adult dog should. this means more frequent pooping, as long as the feces looks proper then their is no problem, as the dog matures this should be more predictable, usually around 5-6 months, around the time they switch to a once daily feeding, just remember that the number of poops per day can be related to the number of feedings per day. this does not mean to feed less often for a young puppy.