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19 10:06:48


I have a 2yr old lab. I am about to move across state (about 6 hrs)in 4 days and she has carsickness. What can I give her so that she will be asleep for the ride? Shes about 60 pounds so how much would I need to give her?

Hi Brittney,

If your dog doesn't get an upset stomach when her stomach is empty (some dogs do) then don't feed your dog six to eight hours before leaving on your road trip. Having an empty stomach will make her less likely to throw up, and if she does get sick, there's no food in her stomach, so at least it's easier to clean up. Giving your dog water, however, won't upset her stomach and may make her more comfortable.
While some pets travel best on an empty stomach, others will feel more comfortable after eating a small meal. Some dogs just need a little food in their stomach to help keep them from getting sick.

Get to know your dog's pattern and stop at least every hour or two to take a quick walk to help your dog get her "land-legs" back. It's also a good idea to pour her a little water on these rest stops, since she may not feel like drinking when she's in the car.

Though you haven't much time before you move, you can condition your dog to riding in the car. Start out by having your dog just sit in the car. After several times and the attitude is calm, try starting the car with your dog in it. Wait until the animal is comfortable with a running parked car before driving a short (and I mean SHORT, like down the driveway) distance. *Slowly* keep increasing the time spent in the moving car until your dog is more comfortable with being in a moving car.  Though this sort of training is best begun a few weeks before a long car trip, it can't hurt to do a little conditioning before your trip. When in the car, keep your voice cheerful rather than soothing. This will help your dog be calmer in the car when she learns that there is nothing scary about being in the car.

One of the best herbs for nausea and to  calm the stomach, is Ginger. Try a giving your dog uncaffinated herbal Ginger Tea (cooled down) or a powdered ginger root capsule. Give your dog Ginger about 30 minutes before any car trip.

Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate) the same drug people take to ward off car sickness, also works for dogs. Medium to large dogs should be given 25 to 50 milligrams of Dramamine at least an hour before traveling (2-4 mg. per-pound by mouth) it can be given every 8 hours. It will make your dog very sleepy, so give a smaller dose if you're in doubt, or ask your vet for the correct dose for your dog.  If your dog is receiving any medications, talk to your vet before giving her Dramamine.

Have a good trip!
