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potty training & collar problems

19 13:32:42

Hi - I have 2 questions: I have a 31/2 month old dachshund.  He continues to soil in the house.  He is taken out often but would rather go in the house.  I have caught him in the act firmly told him no and immediately put him outside, but he still soils in the house.  
Question 2: I have tried several times to put a collar on him when I do he freaks out and goes crazy.  He rubs his head on the rug trying to get it off.  We use a harness when walking him outdoors.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!

Have you read anything on housebreaking?  Does he have access to all parts of the house?
Dogs normally keep their dens clean and anything outside of his den is ok for him to go to the bathroom.  He is also very young to be housebroken although this is when you start him.   He should go out every 4 hours at this age.   
I would confine him to one room,  he should not be allowed in other parts of the house  until he has learned to hold it.   He must be housebroken in each room.  They don't understand much at this age, but they do pick up on emotions.  Keep him in one room and when he is not in that room he must be held and not put down.
Start with doing this and see how things go.
The collar is another issue.  Put the collar on and give him a chew treat that he loves.  When the chew toy is done take the collar off.   Repeat this several times then put the collar on and don't give him the chew toy right away.  Wait about 1 minutes, if he hasn't tried to rub it off, give him the chewy.  If he does try to get it off, take it off, but don't give him the chewy.  If he accepts the the collar this time, increase the time each time until you can leave it on.   Most dogs do this and you can also just put it on him until he gets used to it.  That is the other option.