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licking the butt

19 9:28:34

my dog has been licking her but excessively but only when she is outside. She will not lick it when she is inside the house. I have taken her to the vet and they cant tell me a medical reason for it. I don't know if there is something I can do. She likes to chase her own tail and chew on it and then almost on cue licks her but for a long time.


Hi Eric,

First, I'd first make sure your dog's anal glans aren't full. If she has full anal glands, you can't see that, and it can make a dog obsess over it's butt and lick it incessantly.  Your vet can "express", or empty her anal glands, or you can do it. Read how to do that here:

If it turns out her anal glands weren't full, the behavior could be habitual.  Your dog may have developed obsessive-compulsive licking problem.  The moment your dog starts the licking behavior, distract her from it, and praise her when she's not licking. The constant licking can lead to a problem called "lick granuloma".  The condition becomes a vicious cycle - erosion of the skin from licking leads to pain and itching, which leads to more licking. One theory is that excessive licking causes endorphin release, causing an addiction to licking. The lick granuloma often becomes infected with bacteria, causing a secondary problem.

If you can't get your dog to stop licking with distraction and praise, you need to talk to your vet. There is medication available for obsessive-compulsive dogs, just as there is for people with the same problem.

Best of luck,
