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Toy Chinese Crested and Pregnancy

19 13:39:27

We own two Chinese Cresteds- one 3 year old female who is 3.4 lbs.and a 1 yr. old male who is around 12 lbs.  When I took them to the vet a few months back and asked if they could breed together, she told me she didn't see any problems.  However, our female was recently in heat (last month) and even though I didn't actually see them mate, she is now gaining weight (she's now 6.2 lbs), and I'm worried.  I am thinking that our male is too large and if she IS pregnant, she won't be able to safely give birth. Is there any way to make birth safer for her, or should we schedule a C-section for her, or will nature take it's course, and make sure that any puppy(ies) she may be carrying will be small enough for her to give birth to?  Our first concern is for our female, as we have owned her since 8 weeks old and we are very attached to her and want to make sure she's safe.  I'm just thinking that our vet was wrong in saying that a male as big as ours is too big to breed with a female as small as ours.  Also, how safe is it in the first place for a dog her size to carry any puppies? And if it seems that she is too smal and this pregnancy will endanger her, is there any way to safely have the pregnancy terminated?

Hi,  I agree with you that your vet was wrong.  The male decides the size of the pups most of the time.  I would be very concerned about her breeding with a dog who weighs 3 times her amount.  I would definitely be ready for a C-section.  No nature does not help in this situation, this is when most mothers die when giving birth.  There is not way to terminate the pregnancy at this point without spaying her, and that would also put her in danger too as it would be a dangerous surgery.  If they have to do a c-section, she would probably be spayed at the same time as most vets spay them when they do the surgery.  When she starts to give birth, if she seems to be having any problems, don't hesitate to get her to the vet.  Hope this helps,
