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Dog Wont Fetch

19 14:24:06

My dog is about 2 years old now (we got him in March of 2002). He is a yorkie/pomyranean mix, and is about 10 pounds. He understands the basic concepts of the fetch game, but has trouble returning to me and even when he does, he doesn't understand "drop". We've tried the old give the dog a treat and say "drop" trick, but once we take the treats away he won't do it (to him it's like "If there isn't a treat involved I shouldn't do it"). For instance I will throw one of his toys, he will run to get it, start to run back (or slowly walk back, he still doesn't get it), and then continue to run past me where he finds a spot and lays down. When he sets it down and I try to pick it up again, he grabs at it as if he owns it. What can I do? I would like him to understand at least the fetch game, but was thinking about getting a mini-frisbee and teaching him to play. I just wish he'd learn the basics though.

Hi Aaron-
Put your leash on him and play fetch with that.  Only throw the ball as far as the leash goes and then pull him into to you, once he stops and refuses to come in anymore.  It's also best if you can do this with your back to a wall (a hallway is the best place to teach fetch) so that he can't run past you and has to bring it to you.  If you can, get a longer leash (15-25 ft)...that way he'll be able to go further and the lesson will be a bit more rewarding for him and show him better that even when he returns to you that you'll be able to throw it further than 5 feet.  Lots and lots of praise is also a key role in teaching a dog something...along with NOT overdoing it.  Only teach/play with him for 10-15 minutes at a time and always end with him wanting more...once he's reached the stage where he's bored, it's too much.  You want to quit at his peak of excitement in the retrieve.  If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me again.  I hope this helps you out.
Good luck!
Patty Lemke
Country-Side Breeders