Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > BullMastiff/Pitbull


19 11:51:24

We have a three month old female.  She is a bullmastiff/pitbull mix.  Very energetic and stubborn.  What else can I expect from this mix breed?  She will be spayed in two months.  

Hi Pamela;
Well, mostly you can expect resul;ts from her training. I have always found training is the most improtant thing, because you teach them to make allowances for personality etc, sot of civilize the little critters.LOL
Just like raising children.
Some are more bull headed than others, some are harder to train, and I have found that is more about the individual dog that the particular breed.
Of course, there are breed pecularities to consider too.
Check out these websites for information about thos breeds.

I certainly subscribe to the FACT that dogs are NOT born mean!!!
With the proper treatment and training, the so-called vicious breeds are as docile as lambs.
I have had severl pitbulls as neighbors, and they were very sweet dogs, and my son raises Rottwqeillers. Big old love bugs, UNLESS someone is stupid enough to try to harm on of their's.
I wish it were mandatory for people to take lessons in animal behavior.
Then we wouldn't have so many suffering animals, and wouldn't have so many idiots messing up perfectly sweet dogs and giving their breeds a bad name.
The stubborn can be overcome with obedience training.
Petco and petsmart have group obedience classes on weekends.
Another good source for training is Man's Best Friend.