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Slipped Stifle my 1yr old Chihuahua

19 10:26:09


Hi..I am linked on a question you answered another "best dog"  :) owner. My pup also has Stifle, but she has it in BOTH knee joints. My question is, is there any use in wasting money on the various hip and joint treats, ie: Happy Hips, Pedigree makes a biscuit also.My groomer sells a liquid "Flexicose" and promises it will make her well again. BUT it's $30 s bottle, made for humans (with dog doses on side) and I'm not in any hurry to hurt my new addition. This pup has won our hearts, and LOVES to play fetch. She takes 2/30 minute walks a day (to poop) and chases the ball in our 80 yd backyard. She is 5 pounds and full grown, due at the Vet in January. WE just HATE to think she is suffering. What about 1/4 tablet ibuprofen? She had it when she was fixed?  Thank you VERY much for your time.  Robin

I wasn't going to jump in and answer this until I saw the reference to Ibuprofen.  Are you sure that was what the vet said to give her?  It is usually considered toxic to dogs.  I would never give it to any dog without talking to the vet first.  Usually the only OTC painkiller safe for dogs is aspirin, best buffered aspirin, and half a tablet is way too much for her.  She should only have 25 mg every 12 hours.  You would need to start with baby aspirin and break the tablets into small pieces.  One problem with pain killers is that they may allow the dog to abuse a weakened joint without doing anything to strengthen it.

Glucosamine might help.  The human stuff is expensive, but less than that made for dogs.  Likely Flexicose is just an even more expensive form of it.  She is so small, it might be hard to get the right dose.  I think she would only need 50 mg, and and tablets are 500 mg.  You may need to pay the extra price for smaller dog sized tablets.  

I mostly avoid answering medical questions, because I think mostly people should talk to their vet about them.  I was concerned about the Ibruprofen.