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New dog nips!

19 11:16:53

Hello, my wife and I recently adopted a Pomeranian mix from our local humane society. They had no info on the dog, just that he was turned in as a stray a few weeks earlier. Hes a beautiful dog but when we got him home he nipped at me while playing. He didn't really bite hard but every now and then he will get very aggressive and growl and nip when playing. Is this behavior something we should be overly concerned about or is he still just getting to know us? We also have a 1yr old son so we don't know if we should let the two of them interact. Please let us know your opinion. Thanks

No he's not just getting to know you. He is demonstrating alpha behavior which means he considers himself a leader in your home and you a follower. Go to alpha boot camp on the web and read and learn :). Even poms need to be taught to be calm and submissive. Walk him, every day twice a day briskly at heel. Don't let him sniff, potty or wander away unless YOU initiate that with an ok command FIRST. Make sure he walks enough to get tired. Also make sure his mind is challenged by providing him with toys that make him think and work, like kongs with treats stuffed inside.  Set him up a toy on a rope dangling from a low tree limb or a ball on a poll to really get him going outside so he can work off some energy. Get him involved in an obedience class, you'll benefit and so will he. If you let your son interact with the dog do it under TOTAL supervision, do not let your son pull hair, tail, ears etc, put encourage him to 'be easy' or  'gentle' whichever you'd prefer. When you put baby down on the floor Pom considers him an equal, possibly even a littermate. Be sure and supervise during those times and always. When your son gets older he can interact more with the dog. This would be my advice with ANY dog as children do inadvertently hurt them and many dogs don't know how to react other than to react in fear.
Get Cesar Milan's book Be The Pack Leader. It's money well spent and applies to all breeds and situations.