Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Hello,My dog has become...

Hello,My dog has become...

19 14:30:12

My dog has become less alert.  She only knows when someone comes to our
house when they come inside.  What's wrong with her?  

Hi Cheyanne,

I need more info form you concerning your dog's symptoms to be of any help. The problem might be simple old age, or going deaf, with possibly hundreds of other conditions in between.

Can you give me some specifics, such as your dog's age. How long this has been going on, and if it came on suddenly or gradually? Is your dog eating well? Does your dog act normally in other ways? Is the dog walking well, or is it having trouble moving? If you stand behind the dog (so it can't see you) and make  aloud unexpected sound, does it react?

Maybe if you can provide me with some more info, I can make some suggestions.
