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boxer dogs

19 10:41:33

We recently became owners of a brindle boxer.  She is so smart, loving, and likes to get into mischief.  A couple of months ago, she figured out how to open our french handled door to get in and out.  Our yard is full of ducks and squirrels.  Last week, she got out while I was in the shower and decided to bring her new friend inside- a dead, legless duck. I don't know for sure if she killed it, but she does catch everything.  How can I stop her from doing this.  She even finds dead carcasses and brings them to me. Do you have any suggestions?

HI Laura,

You need to either consider adding an additional lock or changing that door handle. Once they know how to open them (not hard) only that or perhaps babyproofing the door will work.

Gross but true, she is bringing you a gift. It's hard not to be grossed out! But it is a big present! Dead carcasses may be kills from the past that she buried.

This type of predation is honed best in adolescence, you don't mention her age, but if she spent her adolescence getting really good at catching and killing animals it will be very hard to consider her trustworthy around those prey animals again.

Try increasing the value of things for her to do in the house like hiding kongs that are stuffed with something really good smelling. That way she can hunt in the house instead of in the yard. Increased exercise outside of the yard and working on obedience commands in the yard will help redefine what that yard means as well.