Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > ITCHY PAWS IN DOG


19 10:03:01

My dog has been chewing and licking his paws for quite sometime - he has very bad allergies but the paws are really taking a beating.  All red, bleeding and raw - I've tried everything, sprays, ointments, sock (which he always gets off) - I was just wondering would corn starch help - instead of using something liquid I was wondering if the dry poweder of corn starch might provide more relief.  If not, have you any other suggestions other than an E-collar which he has on but manages to get to his paws anyway

I never heard of it and many would be aghast at the idea of corn fixing an allergy problem.  Try it.  I think it works on people.  

Has your vet done any blood work to identify the specific allergen or even tried some of the limited ingredient diets?  How about examining skinb scrapings.  I am not not one whose first idea for all itching problems is an expensive, grain free food.  Even the greatest food won't help an environmental allergy or parasites.

If your vet hasn't tried to solve the problem, work with him.  if he can't identify the cause, try another one