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How to tell if a dog has been abused?

19 10:56:23

My fiance and I found  little Chihuahua mix wandering a busy avenue almost two weeks ago. We put up flyers and finally got a response today. Although I love the dog, I'd be more than happy to get her back to her owners. Our only concern is she cowered a lot when we firs got her. when we took her in she calmer then now, but still looked around. When my parents meant her on the first day she just lay on the couch and let them pet her, although she seemed a little fearful of my mother. My Mom saw her again yesterday and this time she put her tail between her legs and ran over to my side. My mom came up to  her and called her, but she ignored her and kept to my side. She used to run out a lot and you'd have to chase her, but now she stops when I get up to her. She shows no fear towards our cats and rats however, and although she s cautious she exhibits very different behavior then with my mother, or strangers. She seems about 2 and acts like shes never been on a leash. I just want to make sure shes taken care of. Does she sound like she was abused?

Maybe not so much abused as she may have no coping skills for stress. Couple that with her size and a very human inclination to mother and she may have learned that acting fearfully takes the pressure off.

She may never have been on a leash. That size/type of dog gets carried around a lot!! There are dogs in LA whose feet have never hit the ground!!

Best way to resolve it is to treat her how you want her to be, not how you think she was. Make sense? Be her cheerleader when she doesn't run off. But at the same time-don't give the things she fears the treats. they should come from you at a comfortable distance so she can calm down rather that get more nervous.

There are many great books theses days about fearful dogs. Try