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19 14:02:26

I recently rescued a pitbull/chow mix. He is turning into a great pup. He loves my cats and dogs and wants to play all the time.

PROBLEM: There are cats and dogs at my home and cats and dogs at my office (seperate locations). My pup never marks my home but does mark my office! At first he only marked the potted plant. Thinking this was because he peed on the bushes outside) we took that away from him (no plants in my home) but now he's marking the chair in my office!

Same situations right, so what the heck is going on here?????????  (Not neitered yet, waiting on end of heartworm treatment).


LeBaron, I hope your pup turns out to be as great a dog as MY pitbull/chow mix. She has been the absolute best dog; easy to train, loves everyone, gets along with my cats and most other dogs, an absolute joy! BUT, she is also a marker! She's never pottied in the house, but outside, she marks EVERYTHING! She even lifts her leg like a male! :^o

Neutering your pup is definately something I'd recommend as soon as you can do it. How old is he now? You should be taking him out to potty at least as many hours as he is old in months. For example; if he's 5 months old, he should be taken outside to potty at LEAST every 4-5 hours. If you can take him out more often, by all means, DO! Remember to praise him for pottying outside, and when you catch him in the act of marking inside, immediately clap your hands or shake an empty soda can filled with a few coines to startle him, and say, "NO! Outside," in a stern tone of voice and take him out. Walk him around and do not come back in or say anything to him until he potties. Then praise him and pet him and take him back in. It might be easiest if you let him drag a 4 or 6 foot long leash when he's in the office so you can easily grab it up and whisk him outside when he begins to sniff as if he's going to pee on your chair. You might also want to scrub the chair legs and floor underneath with some Nature's Miracle cleaner to get rid of the smell so he's less likely to want to go there again.

About the only way to solve this problem is to watch him like a hawk and whenever you see him starting to sniff around or beginning to lift his leg or squat, startle him and immediately take him outside. It may take a week or it may take several before he's 100% trustworthy, but the only way it's going to work is if you remain vigilent and consistent!

Good luck and please let me know if there's anything else you need help with! I'd LOVE to see some pictures of your boy! If you have any, would you mind sending them to me at and I'll send you some of my girl.
