Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > COCKER SPANIEL


19 9:40:20

QUESTION: Hi, our cocker is six months old and sleeps in our room at night though has her own bed when we are out. Is this really bad?  Also how do I stop her playful nipping.  I read that the solid golden cockers can be aggresive.  Surely not.

ANSWER: Vivienne,
Hi,,, Tell me a little more about the nipping...and then I can tell you about the bed.  When does the nipping happen, under what circumstances does she nip?  At 6 months they are usually over the nipping and that is why I want you to really look at when she nips.  Is it only when you are playing? is it when you take something away from her.  Is it when she has food... Let me know that so I can give you a good answer.
PS waiting to hear from you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Nancy.  Just nipping when playing.  Never any other time.  She is very freindly with adults and children alike.  Never when we take things away.  I can lift her food dish and take things from her mouth with no problem

Well I see no problem with the bed....The only thing i would change is that she is not allowed on the bed until you invite her up.....With some of the spaniel breeds they can become possessive and jealous.  This also shows a higher intelligence...So make sure you prevent any problems by maintaining to be the "boss".  She is not allowed on the bed unless you say it is ok.  This maintains that you OWN the bed  she doesn't?  See how they can get to think?  If she gets to where she thinks she owns the bed, then she will start to challenge..
As for the play biting, there are two ways that I do it.   
1 Is taking two fingers and pushing them toward the back of her throat until she backs off.  you can also try holding down her tongue, but the first way makes it disagreeable for her to put your hand in her mouth without a punishment.
2 some hot sauce on your hand or a well-timed drop in her mouth when she nips..

good luck, sounds like you have a nice dog there.

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QUESTION: Me again Nancy! Holly pulls a lot when walking.  I am trying the `stop every few steps routine`.  Does it work?  Also what is the best way to teach her to come immediately when called.  She did a runner on my husband and came home, all the while stopping and looking at him then running on!

Hi,  Just stopping every few feet doesn't do it.  You must abruptly turn and walk the other way.  Give praise even if she walks two steps at your side without pulling.
First she has to know what the word come means.   From now on never use the word unless you have the time and tenacity to enforce it.   Start with sit stay come.  Have her sit then teach her to stay and then add the come after that.  When she comes always have her sit in front of you and praise her as if she saved your life.  Use treats in the beginning...Never chase her after you say the word come.  Use a different term like her name or "here"  if she gets away or you feel you are not in control of the situation.  If your husband had run the other way, she would probably have chased him.  It sounds like she was inviting him to follow and I bet he did.
there is more but one thing at a time