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my jackrussel and terrior mix

19 11:45:00

my dog has cut the pups off from nursing,they are 7weeks old..and now her nipples are hard and won't go down

Hi Quicie;
When they cut their pippies off from nursing it is usually because they don't have enough milk, and/or their nipples are too sore.
For the hard nipples, get bag balm.
It is used to keep cows' bags soft. Calves nursing makes the nipples dry out, crack and sometimes bleed, and very sore.
That Bag Balm comes in a little squarish green metal box. Petsmart here carries it now, other wise you can get it at feed stores.
For not enough mikl, I make a formula of 1 part condensed milk ( NOT low fat) to 2 parts boiled water ( or even1 water to 1 milk), and about i teaspooon light Karo syru; to 1 quart of formula.
Feed the mother this formula and after about an hour or so, she has milk. You can also buy a formula at a pet store or your Veterinarian's. You can also feed the puppies some of this formula with a puppy nurser , or you can but formula for puppies ate pet stores or your Vet's.
If you give the puppies the same formula you give the mother , be sure it is a 1 part condensed milk to 2 parts water. The one/one formula might be too rich for them.
Be sure to use the Karo to prevent the milk constipating them/the mother. Don't use more than that amiout of Karo, or you will give them Diarreah.
I would also call your Veterinarian.
the hard nipples could be something else, and need to be seen by your Vet.