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my dog Jo Jo

19 11:13:15

femal 3 years old shih tzu Black/white (teddy bear cut) short mustache and beard. She constantly is licking air. She lies on the floor and licks air for about 10 minutes and then goes to sleep.  Is this caused by stress and shes relaxing herself before she goes to sleep, or is this another problem???

Hi Leslie,

Dogs will lick for a multitude of reasons: obsessive/compulsion disorder, anxiety, boredom, greeting behavior and establishment of social pecking order, and  teeth problems.

Get her out and going as much as you can. Walk her briskly at least twice per day, nice long walks. Tired dogs are less likely to have the energy for compulsive behaviors/ Many times, dogs create these behaviors out of boredom just to give themselves something to do. Then becomes a habit, like biting your nails and can be just as hard to break

Best of luck,