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Behaviour Issue

19 9:18:41

My 6 month st bernard JUST started getting hyper after he poops outside.  He pounces and nips at me non stop on;y after he is done pooping!!!  I firmly tell him NO make him sit so he calms down then try walking again but he continues the behaviour.  I then have to grab his collar and DRAG him in the house.  Once in the house he is fine again.  HELP The last 2 months he has been awesome and just started this the last few days.  Otherwise he usually always listens to me but not in this situation

Hi Laura,

Thanks for writing to me about your puppy.  Your St Bernard's nipping is called "mouthing."  It's a normal way for dogs to test and learn just how much pressure they can use with their jaws before going to far.  Try screaming in a loud screeching voice when he nips, as if he's is hurting you very badly.  This usually works.  

You can also try a water spray bottle with a firm command, "no bite."  I prefer the screaming suggested above because it's what puppies do with each other when playing and learning "bite inhibition."

Be sure that he is getting enough exercise.  A short walk around the block is not enough for a young dog.  He needs a dog park, fenced yard, or puppy meet ups where he can expend energy.  His walks should be vigorous and at least 45 minutes, 2-3 times a day.  A tired dog is a good dog.

There are many training tapes and books that can support the right way to raise a puppy in order to get the dog of your dreams.  A great website is  Any book or tape by Ian Dunbar or Karen Pryor would be excellent.

Best of luck with your beautiful dog.

Shelley Davis

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