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Dog pees when crated

19 10:24:54

We adopted a dog about 8 months ago and we believe he should be about a year old in 1 month.  Since we've had him we've had people coming over to let him outside while we're at work. At first twice a day, then as he grew up we have them only coming over once a day. 2 days a week he's at my parents all day. The last couple months or so he started peeing outside of his cage when we're gone. He will literally lift his leg to spray outside of the cage.  He does this whether we've been gone 6 hours or 1 hour. He sleeps with us at night and can go at least 8 hours without going to the bathroom.  We ration his water, the last thing anyone does before they put him back in his cage is let him outside again, and he's still acting up. It has to be a spite thing, but how do we get him to stop? We've tried scolding him and bringing him over to where he peed when he's done it, but nothing is working.


Try a belly band. If its marking behavior, a belly band will effectively solve it. You can purchase these at a variety of places online and on ebay, and they are very inexpensive. All you do is place a sanitary napkin in the middle and velcro it around your dogs waist. When he goes to mark, he will be very suprised when nothing happens. After a while of realizing he is no longer actually marking, he will give up the idea. Also, if he is not neutered, I highly recomend neutering him ASAP.

Good luck!