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Shih Tzu Ingrown Hairs

19 14:07:59

Cindy, my male Shih Tzu had crusted fecal matter around his anus and I didn't notice it until today. How long it's been that way I don't know. I cleaned him up and the area is red and irritated. There are also a couple of swollen areas the size of half a dime which are infected and seemingly caused by ingrown hair. Have you seen this and if so can you recommend what I should do?

Hello Allen, Sounds sore.  My best advise for you would to be to apply an antibiotic ointment on the area.  You may have to hold him for a minimum of 10 min. to allow the medicine to work, because his first instinct will be to lick it off.  This is if it is still red and showing signs of infection.  If it is simply just raw and sore, then apply vasaline, just as you would for diaper rash.  I would only give this treatment 3 days to show impovement, if it does not then off to the vet for a penicillin shot, and to see if maybe something else is going on there, for instance with the anal glands.  Good luck, Cindy lou :)