Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Lump


19 9:28:36

Hi iv'e got a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, After her second
inoculation there was a lump on her neck. My vets told me it
would dissapear after a few days, we took her back after a
week as it had grown to the size of a golf ball, they told
me it was a slight infection to her neck as the Injection
didn't go into her skin correctly, They drained the lump and
its been 3 days since they drained it, its now swelled to
the size of tennis ball, any ideas what to do?  


Hi Rebekah,

What you must do is go back to a veterinarian, there isn't a home remedy for your dog's problem.

If you do not like the care your current veterinarian has been giving, have another vet treat your dog. Either way, please do not delay in getting your dog the care she needs.

Best of luck,
