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min pin puppy

19 11:52:33

I have a three day old min pin and it is under weight. Do you know what can I feed her as a alternative for her mothers milk to keep it alive.

Puppy milk replacement formula is avalible at vet offices and petstores and sometimes even walmart, get some of this and feed it according to derections which would mean adding water to a dry mix and warming it to body temprature as if it was coming from the can offer in a shallow saucer and let the puppy lap it up under your supervisen or use an eye dropper/syringe without a needle(availbe from vets/petstores/pharmacys). Best of luck with the little one. At this age we also feed our puppies a gruel type mix...a dry baby cerial or pablum mixed with puppy milk repalcement and warmed slightly allowing the puppies to lap this up from a saucer and wiping the puppies faces/feet off afterwards.