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The Size Of My Yorkie

19 11:56:53

Hi my name is ashley and i am getting a yorkie. She is two weeks right now and weighs a little less than 10 oz. It would be safe to say she weighs 10oz. How much would you guess she will weigh full grown?!?! if you can e-mail me at
thank you and God bless

Hi Ashley;
It depends on what kind of Yorkie she is.
There are really teeny ones.
I met one once that was 3 years old, and I thought it was a baby. Her mommy said, no, she is as big as she will get.
She was about 4 inches high.
cutest little thing, but I would be terrified to have one. I would be afraid somebody would step on it.
I checked on the american Kennel Club site, and it says they must not exceed 7 pounds.
My friend has a Yorkie,( not one of the high bred ones), and he weighs 10 pounds, and is not too fat.
that is the standards for a Toy Youkie.
They don't give any standards for the tiny toy.
I don't think AKC recognizes the tiny toy. It is a hybred, and not a proven breed yet.
So if you have a really well bred one, and it is a stndard toy Yorkie, it should get no more than 7 pounds.