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puppy death? virus;

19 9:25:35

Hi Marie,
My baby poodle about 2 months old died and I would like to find out the reason. I was up to something important that day and I was forced to send her to the day care centre. She was suffering from ear mites that time and I did give the person in charge her ear drops. I was told by the vet that 5 drops a day each ear for a week, I chose to believe his profesional though I think that it may be too much for a little puppy. I left the state for few days and the third day, the day care called and told me my puppy passed away. They told me she refuse to eat the second meal(2 meals for a day) and even vomit and her poo is not solid the day before she passed away. The next morning when they arrived the day care centre, she was found dead. She was active and well the day I sent her there. I did discuss with you before about her head tilt a month ago. What's the reason do you think may cause her to death? I would like to keep another puppy soon, I worry if virus was the cause, my house would be a dangerous place for new puppy. There's another adult dog living in my house but he is healthy so i doubt is virus the cause? I think the most suspicious point was, she died just less than a day of abnormal sympthom started. My vet told me sudden death is impossible for ear mites problem. Is it virus or may be the overdose of the ear drops? Thank you.

Hi San,  I am so very sorry for the loss of your poodle.  I wonder if there was some kind of neurological problem going on with this little one.  Most of the time there is a virus that can cause a rapid death in a pup.  Also, having your puppy in doggie daycare can expose them to many other dogs that are carriers of bacterias.  

Your Vet is correct about the cause of death would not be ear mites.  I don't think the ear drops would have caused this sad situation.

A Virus can attack young dogs under 6 months of age very quick.

Again, I am so sorry for your loss and do not have the answers for you.

Please talk to your vet about directions on cleaning your home prior to a new pet.  If Parvo was the cause of death you need to clean with Clorox Bleach.  Please make sure you get directions from your Vet office to prepair for a new pet.  
Also, no doggie daycare until your pet is over 6 months of age.  You can hire a pet sitter to visit your home a few times per day.
Blessings to you;

Marie Peppers LPN MA