Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > small dog peeing on the patio and same spot inside + designated dog pooing area

small dog peeing on the patio and same spot inside + designated dog pooing area

19 10:39:33

I have a small do who pees on the patio rather than on the grass.  He also
pees in the bathroom near the shower and always in the same spot.  He does
this randomly.  Can you tell me how I can prevent this.  I have been told
spraying cirtus spray around the area he pees may help, what do you think?
I would also like to know how to train him to poo in the same area of the
backyard.  How do I do this?

I appreciate any suggestions you may have to help me.

Many thanks


If your dog is urinating in the house, maybe he just needs to go outside more often. Clean that area well with a good enzyme cleaner/spray, and block him so that he cannot get into the bathroom anymore.

As to training him to potty in one spot, you need to take him outside on leash to the spot you want him to use, and praise him profusely when he does potty there. This must be done each and every time he needs to go outside, until he heads for that spot reliably.