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my maltese was attacked by a pit bull

19 9:24:06

I have a maltese that was attacked by a pit bull yesterday morning. I took him to the vet as soon as it happened and the vet put a drainage tube on both sides of his neck. the vet gave me antibiotics, pain pills, and stuff to flush behind the tubes. This morning I tried to flush the tubes or behind them and he wouldnt let me flush behind the one on the left side. What do I do? I'm so worried he's an older dog and he's a child to me. Please help!!

Hi Tracy,

It could be helpful to have somebody hold your dog as you clean his drains. Wrapping him tightly in a large towel can help keep him still.

If you can't clean the tubes by yourself, contact your vet's office. If the tubes are still needed, it may be necessary to bring your dog in to have a vet tech clean the tubes for you. Most vet offices are happy to do this if a client needs it.

Best of luck,