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Scruffy the Wonder Dog

19 14:23:03

Hi Karen, My sister recently bought a miniature Schnauzer from a breeder. Scruffy did not seem to have any previous training however after only a few hours (not consecutive) of working with her my brother in-law had her coming, sitting, laying down and speaking on comand.I joked with my sister that maybe scruffy was one of those wonder dogs who learned everything the first time and thrived on learning a new trick. I having no training experience whatsoever decided I wanted to teach Scruffy to roll over. I called her to me and asked her to lay down, then I moved my hand in a circle over her head and asked her to roll over. To my amazement she did it. I repeated this a few times and every time Scruffy rolled over and, was quite thrilled about it I might add. So my question is... Are all Schnauzers this brilliant? Is it in the breed or are the Chihuahuas that I am used to being around (who seem oblivious that I am even speaking to them 90% of the time) just plain stupid? Maybe Scruffy is an escaped circus dog, Hmmmm???

You have discovered the wonderful secret of schnauzers!*g* Many are extremely intelligent, and I have heard of several who totally know the names for each of their toys. Some are still just dogs, and I did have one once whom I considered to be retarded, but I have had more than a few over the years who could be considered "doggie geniuses". Just wait until Scruffy starts "talking" to you*g*. Most schnauzer owners would never consider owning another breed!

Do know that schnauzers are a working breed and love having something to do to keep busy. Tell your family to keep training Scruffy and see how wonderful she becomes. It won't be too long and you will be wanting one for yourself*g*.