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My Pitbull Grace

19 11:27:07

I wrote to expert Nancy Holmes yesterday who responded to my question about my pitbull, Grace, who bit my son over the weekend.  I have a follow-up question regarding dogs being influenced by certain colors.  
Last night my fiancee and i discovered that she was hyped up by a blue towel.  then he mentioned to me that my son's jacket was blue and white and that over that same weekend she ran up to a lady (to play) that had a blue jacket on.  is this just conincidence?

For many years it has been debated whether or not dogs are colour blind and only see in black and white-it is now believed they do in fact see colours but probably not as clear as us

It could be something about blue that upsets or excites your dog,it could be something that happened in her past if you didn't have her as a puppy or that when your son wears that jacket he might run in a certain way that might set off her prey drive-and she may thing blue means prey