Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > DOG HAIR ALLERY


19 11:53:21

Hello.  We are thinking of getting a family dog and have found a great dog looking for adoption and he is lab/retriever mix.  My husband is allergic to some dog hair but not all.  Could you advise on what would be the best type of dog for us, and would a lab/retriever mix bother his allergies?  We would really appreciate some advise.  Thanks.

So much depends on your husband's allergies. The best breeds are usually miniature schnauzers and poodles; my husband is allergic to dogs, but does well with the schnauzers.

Take your husband to visit this dog and maybe they will let you take him for a walk or put you in a private visiting room. Have your husband sit down with the dog and pet him and interact with him; you should have your answer fairly quickly.
