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2 Females together

19 11:53:12

Hi, I hope you can help me. I have a 2 year old Red Hound and a 2 year old Rottweiler/Lab.These girls have been getting along real good until last week.I had to take my Red Hound to the emergency Room to have her eye stitched.Sissy the Rottweiler just about killed her for some reason.I have seen that Sissy is very Jealous of her and when I do go outside to play with them I spend more time with her because of it.Chancey the Red Hound is fixed and Sissy is not.Do you think that if I have Sissy fixed that she will be better? Because of this I have been trying to train her (more hours) and she seems to be doing good but today I pick up Chancey from the vets office and I will keep her in the house till she heals up.Any suggestions will be appreciated.I just want to get them to be friends and get along.     Thanks

I know you wont be happy with my answer but you really need to hire a good behaviorist to help you. Often times, same sex dogs will fight . fixing the other dog will not help. You need a professional to come in and help but i do believer you will resolve this issuel Good luck and sorry i could not help you from here.