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dog name

19 14:30:45

hi, well i got a new dog and i realy dont know what to call him, its an 8 month old mixed breed, and im trying to choose the perfect name for it. its brown and kind of huge, i was thinking of callling him chance cos it was a chance that i got him but it doesnt really suit him. can you please help me choose the right name for him?
thnX alot-nadia  

I name my dogs and cats for their personality, mostly.
My English Setter is a purebred, of very good bloodline, and we got her when she was an 8 week old puppy. she was so warm, and her fur felt like satin, so I named her Silky. Silky is part of her registered name as well.
Our Australian shepherd mix was 6 months old when I took him as a foster dog. His name was Baylor. This pup loved to romp! He wanted to play all the time, but not just play,man, he wanted a ROMP! So I named him Rowdy, because he really was.
when he was 1 year old,I took a little Lhasa mix that my son took out of an abusive house. Rowdy pushed silky aside, and took over this little 6 week old puppy, and raised it like he is it's mother.
The little pup, at 7 weeks, flew into rowdy's face to beat him up. rowdy didn't even like me telling HIS baby "No!" So I named that little firecracker Maximilion, after the dictator and conqueror of Mexico, and because he came here and conquered the house.LOL We call him Max.
Both Rowdy and Max were just too much for me to adopt out. I fell in love with them, and couldn't bear to part with them.
Watch this little critter for a little bit, and name him something that fits him. you don't have to name him in a couple of days. Rowdy got used to his new name in a few hours. Maybe he didn't like the name Baylor, to begin with.LOL.
Did you see the movie,Bethoven? they named him that because he banged on the piano.
We took a sheltie that had been abused last year, and he was 1-1/2 yrs old. My husband decided he was a must-keep. We named him Laddie, because he looks like a small version of Lassie, and he is very dainty, and pretty, and so shy. a doggy name just didn't sem right for him. He adapted to Laddie, the second time we called him that.Have no idea what his name had been for the year and a half before.
A friend had a dog that dug huge holes in their yard, so naturally, they named him Digger.
In a day or so, the perfect name for him will come to you.
does he have sad, pathitic eyes? how about Pitiful, or Sad sack?
Is his hair several diferent lengths, and look like a bad hair day? How about Rags?
Get the idea? Let him show some personality, or something you think of, every time you look at him, like sad eyes, bright eyes, etc.
If you just can't think of one, write me and tell me more about how he looks, how he acts, what he likes to do etc.
P.S. I DO take a lot of the foster dogs and cats I take in, to the adoption clinic.LOL
would keep them all, if I could.
Let me know if I can help more.