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Healing Kidneys-Albuminen in urine

19 14:30:45

Hello,My "Weimaraner" has some kidney problems, we believe from the result of a neighbor poisoning her back in Dec.2003, after whelping a litter three wks prior to this happening to her, her entire leg,foot,shoulder swelled up so huge that it had to be tapped in order to drain it,over 80ml were taken out of it with a syringe, and left open a hole for drainage.She was so sick, we didn't think she would make it.Then the vets couldn't find any text book case for this type of incident, as there was no specific DX made on her. Except they first thought that she may have gotton into rat poison, but they aren't out of our sight for very long periods.As we spend all our time in our kennel with them, as its a doggie condo,rather than your typical kennel; another one of our dogs recently passed away from an obstruction in his small intestine, and perrentitis setting in him, and his liver shutting down, however the pancreas and spleen looked totally normal, but the liver was diseased by the time they got into him on the second surgery, two within a week of one another. What are the signs of poisoning? and what can i use besides cranberry for her kidney's? The other one didn't make it unfortunately.This has been the third dog in less than four months...Thanks for any suggestions relating to any input you can give me.I would like to know what else is good for dogs kidney's and how to get them healed up.This is one of our best show lines we have. Sincerely,Sheri

Hi Sheri,

This is a very complicated situation.

Firstly...there are too many "coincidences" and what I would suggest to prevent further "events" from occurrng would be to:

1-Install a survelience camera
2-Put a peramiter around your kennel area with hidden alarms.  You can find them on Ebay for very little money. Get the kind with the spring clip so that if it is moved, it opens and sets off an alarm.
3-Install motion lights.

This will deter anyone from entering the area where you keep your dogs.  Until you have that all set up, bring the dogs into the house.

As far as the signs of poisoning are concerned.  Usually by the time the signs show up, it is too late to save the dog as there is massive internal bleeding.  

As far as specific health issues are concerned, the most brilliant vet I know is Dr. Kreusi (or Kruesi) of Cold River Vet Hosptial.  He can answer all your questions in a phone consultation.  The man is of the best in the country.  He could tell you what is going on and what to do about it. (Search on Google under his name).

I hope that this information has been helpful.

My heart breaks to learn about the pain and suffering you and your dogs have undergone.  I hope that only good comes your way.

Shelley Davis