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Unusual Hyperness

19 11:44:46

My dog(a golden retriever) has just turned two years old and is still EXTREMELY hyper the only time she is not hyper is when she is sleeping. She always runs around and never listens. I've tried different techniques of training and scolding. I don't know what to do. If she doesn't listen or does something wrong, i would spray her with a water bottle like i've seen but she only gets more hyper. If my dog runs away, she would keep on running because she doesn't listen. My family wants to give her away but she is too attached and i'm too attached. What should I do to calm her down and listen to my obeys? Please help me

Some of what you are seeing might be genetic, particularly if she is from hunting lines, and if that is the case, there is not much you can do about it. What you can do, though, is to get the two of you into on-going obedience classes and start working with her every day. Dogs like this need a job to do! Teach her to retrieve a ball and give her exercise by throwing a ball for her to retrieve. A tired dog is a happy dog.
