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Boxer attacked by pittbull

19 10:22:33

My sister brought me their neighborhood boxer after it got attacked by a pitbull.  He had a few deep punture wounds on both front legs and some general scratches that were deeply infected.  He couldn't even walk when he got here and smelled like he was rotting (I know that sounds terrible).  They could not afford to take him to the vet so I called my own and got some antibiotics and an antibacterial srub. I have also given him some penicilin G procaine shots which we have used with some of our other animals.  The wounds are much better and no longer infected, but I was wondering if I needed wrap up the punture wounds with some ointment to help it finish healing.  The puncture wounds are very clean and he doesn't even notice they are there any more.  Just wondering what my next step should be since they are open wounds. I didn't want to bandage them up before I got rid of all the infection.


If they are clean, not too deep and not ripped, then leave them open and continue with antibiotics and cleaning the wound with peroxide every day to chase infection. However, if the wound is very deep, the holes ripped or ragged... he needs sutures to close the wound.

I would not recomend bandages on punctures, just make sure they are VERY clean.