Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Heeling


19 10:22:34


I am begining to train my lab to heel properly quite franky after trying a head halter/body harrness/choker chain and just a plain collar I still find she pulls, So I've taken to walking her with just her regular collar that carrys her I.D tags. I did a heel exercsie with her today that went rather well in the yard and around the block which included bribing with treats but worked non the less, I am fairly sure I can get her to perfect this in a few weeks but was wondering how to carry this over to when I walk her with my other too equally pully dogs? I want to work only with her first and then the other two but also want to walk all three together as it saves time, thanks for any tips

Hi Tara-

Unfortunatly, I have no magic word for you :(. Walking three dogs at once is VERY hard, even well behaved and trained dogs, because they have a pack mentality and they are constantly pushing to be ahead of the others. You have to have undeniable control over all three dogs- they have to KNOW you are their leader and be watching you the entire time. The only way to do this is to train each to heel seperately, then add another, retrain, and keep going until you have it down perfect with all three. It won't be easy, but it can be done! Remember, practice makes perfect!