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Dog artheritis

19 9:22:51

While doing some research on use supplements of in prevention of joint disease I came across a reply you posted to 'Ron' regarding his 8yo golden retriever. Why do you suggest stopping vaccinating when the dog then runs the risk of acquiring several other, some fatal diseases? Also by stopping parasite treatment surely the dog is more prone to lymes disease?

Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for writing to me with this inquiry. Basically, the vaccines given to puppies tend to last the lifetime of the dog.  People aren't given vaccines every year for that reason.  Over vaccinating is deadly so why do it?  Instead, you can do titer checks to make sure that your dog's original vaccine response is still viable.

Parasite treatment is not lyme treatment.  Parasite treatment is for worms and parasites and I do promote heartworm prevention in certain areas of the country but only using the original heartguard, which has the least amount of chemicals in it.  The reason for this is that the treatment for heartworm is very dangerous and it puts your dog's life on hold for about 2 months.

A three year rabies is recommended because it's the law but a dog that is already sick cannot be given this vaccine.  It says so right on the package but vets give it anyway, unfortunately.

For lyme, I give my dog lyme nosodes and have her checked for lyme in the spring.

For more information go to Shirley's Wellness Cafe regarding the dangers of vaccinations.

Vaccinating is a personal issue for each dog owner to decide on.

Shelley Davis